MAMAEARTH Take The Pledge And Plant Your Way To Goodness CSR Film
Goodness comes from within, and it reflects on the world outside. At Mamaearth, this has been one of our most important missions - to Plant Goodness. In that regard, we have undertaken various initiatives that align with our mission. To fulfill this endeavor, we have collaborated with the SankalpTaru Foundation. In our partnership with them, we have managed to plant a number of trees and covered a significant patch of land. SankalpTaru Foundation is an IT-enabled NGO that promotes sustainability by "growing trees for the people, by the people" as its guiding principle. In order to establish a rich biodiverse ecosystem, they aim to optimize the socio-environmental impact of each growing plant while successfully fending off the damaging demons of pollution and enhancing the livelihood of underprivileged farmers. So how does it work? Well, for every order that you place on our website, we plant a tree against it. Not only this, we share the growth story of the sapling with you which is being taken care of by the farmers at SankalpTaru Foundation. When we work together, we can have a greater impact. So why not join us at Mamaearth and Plant Goodness every day?